search _ find, employee, management, cv, dating, profile, account, user.svg


Decida en forma inteligente

Tome mejores decisiones utilizando la inteligencia de datos y los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático focalizados en las tendencias y las necesidades del cliente.

Untangler platform
00 %
Improved Productivity
00 %
AccurateDecision Enhancement
00% Data Error Reduction


UNTANGLER es una plataforma de análisis de Big Data destinada a ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar sus objetivos, centralizando los datos en un único almacén verdadero de datos extrayendo información, relacionando y aplicando Inteligencia Artificial para obtener informes y automatizar tareas.

Simplifica el uso de tecnología de punta tal como la Internet de las Cosas (IoT), Aprendizaje Automático (Machine Learning) e Inteligencia Artificial (AI) e Inteligencia en los negocios (BI) para cualquier tipo de actividad.

Cultura de manejo de datos

La filosofía del manejo de datos en una plataforma sin la necesidad de perfiles con habilidades específicas para su uso. Ciencia de Datos e Ingeniería para todos.

Fuente de Datos única

Una plataforma única para acceder a todos sus datos independientemente de su formato, esquema o tamaño.

Modelado de Datos simple

Aplicación de los algoritmos de Aprendizaje Automático y el Aprendizaje Profundo para incrementar el crecimiento de datos en pro de crear nuevos resultados de negocios.

Plataforma sin código

Una completa suite de limpieza de datos y herramientas de transformación disponibles en formato sin el uso de código, que elimina la necesidad del uso de código complejo.


“Desenvolver datos para romper silos, desenredar información utilizando Inteligencia Artificial, revelar conocimiento para producir resultados de negocios positivos.”



UNTANGLER PRIME es el núcleo de la plataforma, que consiste en un almacén de datos inteligente con la capacidad de conectarse a diversas fuentes de datos, aplicar operaciones ETL ("Extract, Transform and Load", mover datos desde múltiples fuentes, reformatearlos, limpiarlos, y cargarlos en otra base de datos), entrenar e implementar algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y modelar datos para BI (Business Intelligence). Escalonado en tres versiones según la capacidad computacional y de almacenamiento (estándar, avanzada y premium), también tiene la capacidad de conectarse a módulos específicos en respuesta a las necesidades del usuario.


Update, edit, and publish in real-time dashboards

Correlate information

Generate alerts and automate tasks

Export data into a single Data Lake

Integrate operation and business data

Update, edit, and publish in real-time dashboards

Internet of things

The Internet of Things module receives data from a wide variety of devices using industry standard protocols. The module offers real-time visualizations for every device, hierarchical role based access, complex rule configurations, action triggering, device query analytics and data export jobs. All gathered data is exported to a data lake in the cloud used as source for continuously training machine learning algorithms dedicated to predict and classify behaviours. Historical data feeds reports that are tied to business metrics.

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character builder, office, workflow _ paperwork, document, file, sort, storage, box.svg

Document Digitizer

The Document Digitizer module extracts data from different document formats through an Optical Character Recognition algorithm. Every component of the document is digitalized and each field of data is classified by type. All this information is stored in a data warehouse with high query performance and is fed into a business intelligence platform to provide insights. Handwriting and different languages are supported

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Automation Insights

The Automation Insights module connects to the OctUPus Oction+ Automation Framework to receive data from the platform regarding use case execution states, historical data, specific details if a failure occurs in parts of the process and a thorough overview of the framework's health and KPIs. Data is used to train ML algorithms to predict infrastructure anomalies and trigger actions on Oction+ to mitigate possible failures.

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web development, character builder _ plugin, puzzle, communication, relationship, date, dating.svg

Social Media

The Social Media module is capable of loading data from a diverse set of platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Ads and Google Analytics. Data is then processed using sentiment analysis algorithms to understand users behaviours in social media, trending topics and impact due to actions taken in each network. The module generates a consolidated overview of every platform and their success as well as regular notifications of social media performance.

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Smart HR

The Smart HR module helps organizations find useful HR insights for strategic decision making. Enables HR professionals to make data-driven decisions to attract, manage and retain employees while improving ROI. Maximizes employee productivity and helps leaders make decisions to create better work environments. Integrates recruitment, payroll and workplace applications to acquire a 360 degree view of the employees' lifecycle in one place. Monitors inclusion and diversity in workforce, identifies rising stars and low performers and tracks the value and quality of training programs to evaluate investments. Gets your organization ready for HR 4.0.

web development _ website, webpage, browser, sign, signage, write, confirm, approve.svg
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business _ dashboard, chart, analytics, statistics, pie chart, development.svg

Blockchain Analytics

The Blockchain Analytics module translates blockchain network ledgers into a readable source of data by using a connector. Data is stored into a warehouse that greatly enhances reading performance and enables the use of ETL and ML tools. A final layer of BI allows data modelling, correlation and visualization as well as action triggering.

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Precios simples y transparentes

Usted siempre sabe lo que pagará

3.500 USD7.500 USD14.500 USDContact us
Hasta 1000 GB
Small Node
(4vCores & 32 GB RAM)
25 Users
Hasta 5 TB
Medium Node
(8vCores & 64 GB RAM)
Unlimited Users
Hasta 10 TB
Large Node (
16vCores + 128 GB RAM)
TO BE Delivered
AIoT PlatformSelect
Social ConnectorSelect
Document DigitizerSelect
Automation Insights & AIOpsSelect
Smart HRSelect
Smart Contract AnalyzerSelect

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